Where can I download my Transaction Summary Statement?

A Transaction Summary Statement is a consolidated list of all your executed trades with CommSec. With every trade itemised and grouped by stock code, it's easier to work out your capital gains, capital losses and transaction costs.

This statement is available for Equities, Options and Margin Lending accounts.

The Transaction Statements have been developed as a useful tool to help when preparing for tax time and show the following breakdown:

  • Total Buy and total Sell figures
  • Total Brokerage and Total GST brokerage
  • Total Subscriptions and Total Subscription GST
  • Miscellaneous credits GST inclusive & Total Debits GST inclusive

You can select the account and set a date range, of up to 12 months, to display transactions for the nominated account during the specified period.

To download your Transaction Summary Statement navigate to Portfolio > Accounts > Transactions or click here

EOFY statements are generally available to download from mid-July. You can access them by clicking here, or by selecting ‘Portfolio’ then ‘Statements’.

Please note: Items such as Brokerage and GST are included in multiple summary line items, so please be aware that the sum of the total summary items will not equal the sum of the transactions listed.


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