Get Going

Get to grips with all the investing basics – from buying and selling to research and risk – then get going.

Finding your own way to invest

Investing your hard-earned cash is as personal a decision as they come. Here’s how to find a way that works for you.

Learn from the five most common investor mistakes

We have identified the top five most common mistakes to stay clear of in your investment journey.


Investing vs Saving


Investing and saving may seem similar as both involve not spending your money right away, but if we dive in deeper, there are clear differences.

Want to start investing regularly? Here’s a strategic starter guide

Not ready to go all in on your investment journey? The Dollar-Cost Averaging strategy might be for you.

A beginner's guide to investing

Whether it's financial independence or a brand-new ride, investing your money can help bring you one step closer to realising your dreams. Here's how.

CommSec vs CommSec Pocket: What’s the difference?

Unsure about whether to invest with CommSec, CommSec Pocket, or both? Use this side-by-side comparison.

ETFs Explained

Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) are pooled investments that can be traded just like shares, giving investors access to a range of assets.

Six ways to research a stock before you buy

You wouldn’t plan a holiday without researching your destination. The same rule applies to investing. Here are six straightforward ways to research a stock before you buy.

What to ask yourself before selling shares

Don’t let emotions cloud your judgement when it comes to selling shares. Here are some useful things to ask before making a decision.

How to manage your risk when investing

Most things in life come with an element of risk, and so does investing. Luckily, the power to understand and manage that risk starts with you. So let’s start here.

Stock Up

Stock up on tips and tools to help you find and research a stock and understand the stock market.

Heard of sustainable investing? Here’s our guide

If you care about your environmental impact, sustainable investing may be for you. Find out what it is and how it can help build your financial future.

Sectors in the Spotlight: Consumer Staples

From Woolworths to A2 Milk, we deep dive into what you should know about the Consumer Staples sector.

Property investment versus the sharemarket

The property versus shares debate is back on the table now more than ever. Let’s compare the two.

Australia’s 10 largest stocks

What are the 10 largest stocks by market cap on the Australian sharemarket? Check it out here.

Considering investing in tech? Read this first

From Apple to Google, to new players, the technology sector is ripe territory for first-time investors

Choosing investments 101

With more than 2000 shares listed on the ASX, it’s easy to fall into that ol’ analysis paralysis trap. Don’t worry, we’ve got you.

Markets and Money

From global markets to industries, commodities, and even culture, there’s a lot that happens in the world that can affect money and your investments. Let us help break it down.

How are young Australians feeling about investing in 2023?

Young Australians want to take control of their financial future, yet many remain cautious about investing. Learn more about why and how to overcome those barriers.

Sectors in the Spotlight: Information Technology

The technology sector is a popular choice among many investors. We deep dive into what you should know before investing.

How share buybacks can boost share holder wealth

Did you know some companies can buy back shares from their shareholders? Find out more about how share buybacks work.

What’s up with petrol? 

What affects the price of petrol, and why does it get so much attention? Let’s look at the details.

What are the long-term investment trends?

What are the long-term investing trends, and the biggest trends impacting sharemarkets today.

A guide to investing in international markets

When it comes to investing, the world is your oyster. Here’s what to consider before broadening your investment horizons.

Diving into Dividends

Dividends are important returns made to sharemarket investors. This report examines some of the concepts involved.

US Sector Breakdown

Understanding the US sharemarket is a useful starting point for keen investors. Let’s look into major sectors, large stocks and key drivers.

Lessons from the dotcom

What happened during the dotcom era and is the same thing happening today? We take a closer look.

Top 5 places to get your stock market news

What happened during the dotcom era and is the same thing happening today? We take a closer look.

Where I Invest

Take a peek at what other young people are investing in, the stocks they’re watching, their biggest investing wins and more.

Where Hayley chooses to invest

For Sydney Chocolatier Hayley, investing is a constant learning experience. Still, she’s in it for the long haul – and she’s confident time is on her side.

Where Ellis invests

Electrical engineer Ellis likes to look beneath the surface both at work and when he invests – a strategy he’s found successful to date. Learn why.

Where Emer invests

20-year-old Sydney student Emer credits the early start on her investment journey to her high school economics teacher. Here’s what she’s up to.

Important information

Commonwealth Securities Limited ABN 60 067 254 399 AFSL 238814 (CommSec) is a wholly owned but non-guaranteed subsidiary of the Commonwealth Bank of Australia ABN 48 123 123 124 AFSL 234945. CommSec is a Market Participant of ASX Limited and Cboe Australia Pty Limited (formerly Chi-X Australia Pty Limited), a Clearing Participant of ASX Clear Pty Limited and a Settlement Participant of ASX Settlement Pty Limited.

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© Commonwealth Securities Limited ABN 60 067 254 399 AFSL 238814 (CommSec) is a wholly owned but non-guaranteed subsidiary of the Commonwealth Bank of Australia ABN 48 123 123 124 AFSL 234945. CommSec is a Market Participant of ASX Limited and Cboe Australia Pty Limited, a Clearing Participant of ASX Clear Pty Limited and a Settlement Participant of ASX Settlement Pty Limited.

The information on this page has been prepared without taking into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. For this reason, any individual should, before acting on this information, consider the appropriateness of the information, having regards to their objectives, financial situation or needs, and, if necessary, seek appropriate professional advice.

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