
Kawasaki participates in space in a wide range of fields.
We are in charge of designing and of payload fairings for H-IIA, H3 and Epsilon S Launch Vehicle.
We participated in the development of the Japanese Experiment Module "Kibo" on the International Space Station (ISS) and are developing Temperature and humidity Control Assembly Development Specification for the International Habitation Module(I-Hab)of the lunar Gateway utilizing the knowledge gained through its development and operation. We are also participating in the Martian Moons eXploration (MMX) as a developer and manufacturer of subsystems such as robotic arms and sample return capsules. We have developed our own satellite, DRUMS*, and successfully demonstrated its technology in orbit.
We are working on the development of small satellites based on the experience gained in the development of it.

* Debris Removal Unprecedented Micro Satellite

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