How to transfer shares from a share registry over to CommSec

What this guide is for

Got shares that are currently held by a share registry? Use this guide to transfer them over to CommSec. This is known as transferring issuer sponsored shares (held with the share registry) to become CHESS sponsored shared (held with CommSec).

Why you would do this

If you transfer shares from the share registry, you'll be able to manage and trade them using CommSec as a broker.

What's covered in this article?

  • How to know if this is the right guide for you
  • What you'll need
  • How to start your transfer
  • What happens next

How to know if this is the right guide for you

  • The shares are linked to an SRN that starts with the letter C or I. Need help finding your SRN? Search for "SRN" or look for help under Related Support
  • The shares are owned (registered) by exactly the same party/name as the one on the CommSec account you're transferring to. For example, the same party would be MR JOHN SMITH transferring to MR JOHN SMITH. You can check this by comparing the name on a statement from the registry with what's recorded in CommSec.
  • The shares are registered with the same postal address as the one on the CommSec account you're transferring to. Again, check this by comparing the address on a share registry statement with what's recorded in CommSec.

What you'll need

You'll need:

  • your Securityholder Reference Number (SRN); which starts with the letter C or I
  • your mobile phone to receive an SMS

How to start your transfer

1. Log in to CommSec, click on Settings and then head to the Service Centre

2. Select "Transfer shares" in the Service Request section

3. In the From drop down, select Share registry. Then in the To box, select the account you want to transfer shares to.

4. The CommSec account you're transferring to must be in the same name (including salutation) and same address as what's registered for those shares. You can check this by comparing the name on a statement from the registry with what's recorded in CommSec. If they're different, you'll need to contact the share registry to update it. If the CommSec details are incorrect, then you can update your details on the CommSec website by creating a request.

5. If the name is the same, press Yes, then Continue. If they're not the same name (i.e. different parties), press No then Continue to go to the Off Market Transfer form.

6. You'll be reminded about having your SRN ready and other information. Select Continue.

7. You will be asked to enter the Stock code, SRN and number of units you want to transfer. Select Add to List. Proceed to add stocks until you're done. Then select Continue.

8. Double-check your request and then once you are satisfied, select Submit.

9. Your request is submitted

What happens next

  • CommSec will verify your details.
  • The share registry will verify your details including account, stock, and units. Multiple share registries may be involved if you are transferring multiple stocks.
  • The transfer will take place once the share registry is satisfied. If all details are verified OK, this normally happens within two business days. If there are issues, you’ll be notified by email.
  • Keep an eye on your CommSec portfolio to see if your shares have been transferred.


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