Environmental Conservation Activities

Forest Conservation Activities

The Kawasaki Group undertakes forest conservation activities in cooperation with NPO Hyogo Mori no Club in Taka Town and Ono City, Hyogo Prefecture, and NPO Shizen Kyosei Academy in Machida City, Tokyo. Employees and their families actively engage in these activities for the protection of forests, which serve as the habitats for a wide range of living organisms.

Hyogo Prefecture
Since December 2008, we have implemented activities as participants in a Hyogo prefectural corporate forest restoration project. These activities began in the town of Taka and, with the expansion to include Ono City from fiscal 2020, employees and their families can now get involved in forest conservation activities (tree trimming and clearing undergrowth) in two locations.

In fiscal 2020, Kawasaki became a participant in the Tokyo Green Ship Action, with employees and their families continuing to take part in forest conservation activities (clearing undergrowth) in Machida City under this campaign.

Fiscal 2023 Achievements

Activity location Taka, Hyogo Ono, Hyogo Machida, Tokyo
Activity content Tree trimming, clearing undergrowth, mapmaking Tree trimming, clearing undergrowth, compost making Grass mowing, tree trimming, shrubbery pruning, nature observation
Participants Employees and their families, and others (56 people) Employees and their families, and others (83 people) Employees and their families, and others (14 people)
Area covered 6.8ha 10.0ha 10.14ha
Number of events 1 2 1
Notes Volume of CO2 absorbed:
0.19 t/CO2
(subject to a third-party certification for absorption volume)
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Environmental Education through Forest Conservation Activities

We carry out forest conservation activities, such as forest development and experiential learning, every year to provide opportunities for thinking about the environment.

Fiscal 2023 Achievements

Activity content Aim Date
(Taka, Hyogo Prefecture)
Participants created a map, with the aim of learning about the particular tree species to be found in particular locations in the activity area. Specifically, they measured the heights and trunk thicknesses of representative trees (24 trees of eight species), including konara oak and Japanese maple, from the approximately 350 saplings planted during the 2015 activity. This activity proved an excellent opportunity for participants to get a real sense of the sapling’s growth. April 2023
Compost making
(Ono, Hyogo Prefecture)
Participants collected fallen leaves and used these to make compost, with the aim of enriching the soil in the activity area. November 2023
Nature observation
(Machida, Tokyo)
We held the event with the aims of facilitating interactions with nature and learning more about the importance of forests. Participants were able to authentically experience autumn in the abundant natural surroundings of the activity site by strolling through the site, collecting nuts and mushrooms, and appreciating the flowers and plants. October 2023
Activities in Taka, Hyogo Prefecture (in cooperation with NPO Hyogo Mori no Club)
Activities in Ono, Hyogo Prefecture (in cooperation with NPO Hyogo Mori no Club)
Activities in Machida, Tokyo (in cooperation with the Society for Nanakuniyama Nature Conservation)


Green Partner 2023 Certified

We were accredited as a Green Partner 2023 for our reforestation activities in Hyogo Prefecture under the Forests x Decarbonization Challenge 2023, organized by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries.

Initiatives at Business Sites

Initiatives at Akashi Works

Violet viewing event

A great number of violets can be found on our heliport, which is painted with the colors provided by the flowers in spring. The heliport also functions as a sanctuary for insects and birds to rest, and such a thriving colony of naturally seeded violets within the premises of a plant is considered quite rare by botanists. Akashi Works thus decided to open the heliport, which is otherwise off-limits, inviting employees to participate in a violet viewing event each year, and learn more about the importance of greenery development. The event held in April 2023 allowed employees to enjoy scenes of the blooming of spring flowers, in particular the violets, with sunflower and morning glory seeds also distributed to deepen their interest in green spaces. This activity was first conducted in 2014. Going forward, Akashi Works will pursue environmentally friendly plant operations while pushing ahead with the development of greenery within its premises.

Scene from the violet viewing event
Naturally seeded violets

Winners of the Special Prize, Akashi Flower Bed Competition

Since 2020, Akashi Works has participated in an annual flower bed competition organized by Akashi City. In fiscal 2024, under the theme “Symbol of Our City,” we designed a planting depicting a medical service helicopter taking off and landing at the Akashi Works heliport, which won a special prize. At the award ceremony held in May 2024, we received feedback from many people indicating that they had taken the time to view the flowerbed, giving us a real sense of the increase in awareness around our greening activities. Akashi Works will continue to actively develop greening activities which are in harmony with the local community.

The flowerbed with a design of a medical service helicopter which won a special prize


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