ESG Data

Boundary of aggregation for each data type: Legend

* If the boundary of data aggregation differs from the boundary indicated in the legend, the number of subsidiaries covered is indicated in the notes.

Non-consolidated basis KHI

Including KRM and KMC KHI, KRM, KMC

Including domestic subsidiaries Domestic Group

Overseas subsidiaries only Overseas Group

Consolidated basis Consolidated


Corporate Governance

Number and Composition of Directors KHI


Unit 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Directors Internal Directors Male Persons 7 7 6 6 5
Female 0 0 0 0 1
Total 7 7 6 6 6
Independent Outside Directors Male 4 4 4 4 3
Female 2 2 2 3 4
Total 6 6 6 7 7
Total number 13 13 12 13 13
Directors serving as Audit & Supervisory Committee Members*1 5 5 5 5 5
Directors concurrently engaged in business execution 4 3 3 3 3
Ratio of Directors concurrently engaged in business execution % 30.8 23.1 25.0 23.1 23.1
Ratio of Independent Outside Directors 46.1 46.1 50.0 53.8 53.8
Ratio of Female Directors 15.3 15.3 16.6 23.1 38.5
Average tenure of Directors*2 Years 1.5 1.92 2.75 3.46 3.85
Average age of Directors Age 62.9 64.0 63.9 64.5 64.2

*1 On June 25 2020, Kawasaki transitioned from a company with an Audit & Supervisory Board to a company with an Audit & Supervisory Committee.

*2 As of the end of June of each fiscal year

Record of Board of Directors Meetings (Including Extraordinary Meetings) KHI


Unit 2020 2021 2022 2023
Board meetings held Number of times 14 13 16 16
Average attendance rate of all Directors % 100 100 100 99.5
Average attendance rate of Outside Directors % 100 100 100 99.1
Average attendance rate of all Audit & Supervisory Board Members % 100 100 100 100
Average attendance rate of all Outside Audit & Supervisory Board Members % 100 100 100 100

Note: On June 25 2020, Kawasaki transitioned from a company with an Audit & Supervisory Board to a company with an Audit & Supervisory Committee. The attendance rates of all Audit & Supervisory Board Members for fiscal 2020 given above are the attendance rates of the Audit & Supervisory Board Members at Board of Directors meetings before the transition to a company with an Audit & Supervisory Committee combined with the attendance rates of Audit & Supervisory Board Members at Board of Directors meetings held following this transition.

Record of Audit & Supervisory Board and Audit & Supervisory Committee Meetings KHI


Unit 2020 2021 2022 2023
Number of Auditor meetings Number of times 5 - - -
Attendance rate of Auditors % 100 - - -
Attendance rate of Outside Auditors % 100 - - -

Unit 2020 2021 2022 2023
Number of Audit & Supervisory Board Meetings Number of times 13 17 14 15
Attendance rate of Audit & Supervisory Board Meetings % 100 100 100 98.7
Attendance rate of Outside Audit & Supervisory Committee Members % 100 100 100 100

Note: On June 25 2020, Kawasaki transitioned from a company with an Audit & Supervisory Board to a company with an Audit & Supervisory Committee.

Composition of Nomination Advisory Committee and Compensation Advisory Committee and Record of Meetings KHI


Unit 2020 2021 2022 2023
Nomination Advisory Committee Internal Directors Persons 2 2 2 2
Independent Outside Directors 3 3 3 3
Total 5 5 5 5
Number of times held Number of times 12 12 12 10

Unit 2020 2021 2022 2023
Compensation Advisory Committee Internal Directors Persons 2 2 2 2
Independent Outside Directors 3 3 3 3
Total 5 5 5 5
Number of times held Number of times 12 12 7 7

Independent Auditor Compensation Consolidated


Unit 2020 2021 2022 2023
Compensation based on audit certification services Millions of yen 253 421 388 407
Kawasaki Heavy Industries Ltd. Millions of yen 205 334 298 305
Consolidated subsidiaries Millions of yen 48 87 90 101

Unit 2020 2021 2022 2023
Compensation based on non-audit services Millions of yen 261 234 224 266
Kawasaki Heavy Industries Ltd. Millions of yen 258 231 221 263
Consolidated subsidiaries Millions of yen 2 2 2 2

Director Compensation (Fiscal 2023) KHI


Number of recipients (persons) Unit Total compensation Total compensation by type
Monetary compensation Stock compensation
Basic compensation Performance-based compensation
Directors (excluding Audit & Supervisory Committee Members and Outside Directors) 4 Millions of yen 389 201 115 72
Audit & Supervisory Committee Members (excluding Outside Directors) 2 Millions of yen 73 73 - -
Outside Directors 7 Millions of yen 99 99 - -

Note: 1. For stock compensation, the amount recorded as expenses for the current fiscal year is indicated based on performance-based stock compensation introduced pursuant to a resolution of the 198th Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders held on June 25, 2021 and differs from the actual amount paid.

Note: 2. The number of people actually compensated by the company are listed in the total column

Comparison of Total Compensation of the Representative Director, President and Chief Executive Officer with Average Employee Salary (Fiscal 2023) KHI


Name Position Unit Total compensation Basic compensation Performance-based compensation Stock compensation
Yasuhiko Hashimoto Director Millions of yen 125 62 38 24
Average annual employee salary Millions of yen 8.1
Ratio of President compensation and average annual employee salary Times 15.5

Note: For stock compensation, the amount recorded as expenses for the current fiscal year is indicated and differs from the actual amount paid.


Number of Compliance and Anti-bribery Violations Consolidated


Unit 2020 2021 2022 2023
Number of serious compliance violations Number of cases 0 1 0 0
Number of anti-bribery violations Number of cases 0 0 0 0

Number of Whistle-Blowing Reports and Breakdown of Reports Consolidated


Unit 2020 2021 2022 2023
Total number of Whistle-Blowing Reports* Number of cases 39 55 54 76
Abuse of authority Number of cases 15 23 19 22
Labor issues Number of cases 14 19 13 18
Financial fraud Number of cases 1 0 1 6
Sexual harassment Number of cases 1 1 0 6
Threats and harassment Number of cases 0 0 0 0
Bribery and corruption Number of cases 0 0 0 0
Others Number of cases 8 12 21 24

* The numbers of cases listed above refer to reports received, not those identified as actual compliance violations.

Number of Consultations Made to Other Reporting Systems Overseas Group


Unit 2020 2021 2022 2023
Number of consultations made to Global Internal Reporting System Number of cases 0 0 0 0



Unit 2020 2021 2022 2023
Number of consultations regarding harassment Number of cases 15 9 57 66

Number of Employees Who Underwent Compliance Education (e-Learning) Consolidated


Unit 2020 2021 2022 2023
Number of employees who underwent compliance education*1 Persons 0 17,393 17,860 29,422
Number of employees taking the Code of Conduct training*2 Persons - - 3,447 -

*1 The Kawasaki Group (domestic)

*2 Overseas subsidiaries only

Expenditures to External Organizations KHI, KRM, KMC


Unit 2020 2021 2022 2023
Total political contributions Millions of yen 3 3 3 3
Total expenditures to industry organizations*1 *2 Millions of yen 68.0 68.0 98.6 112.4
Total expenditures for donations, support funding, etc.*3 Millions of yen 160 111 278 263

*1 The purpose of the membership fee for industry organizations is to collect business information related to KHI. The main expenditures in fiscal 2023 were for the Japan Business Federation and the Kansai Economic Federation.

*2 Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd. (non-consolidated)

Information Security

Information Security Education and Training Domestic Group


Unit 2020 2021 2022 2023
Information security training participants Persons 17,779 19,033 9,803 17,053
Number of persons subject to training drills using simulated targeted attack phishing emails Persons - - 2,308 6,876

Research and Development

R&D Expense Consolidated


Unit 2020 2021 2022 2023
Total Billions of yen 44.9 47.1 50.7 53.3
Percentage of sales % 3.0 3.1 2.9 2.9
Number of employees engaged in R&D Persons 1,956 2,000 2,098 2,159

Third-Party Assurance/Verification

  • The data with a star (★) have been externally assured by KPMG AZSA Sustainability Co., Ltd. in accordance with International Standard on Assurance Engagements (ISAE) 3000 issued by the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board. In addition, social indicators (Number of labor accidents, Number of occupational fatalities, and Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate; LTIFR) have been subject to third-party assurance since fiscal 2022.
    Independent Assurance Reportpdflink
  • The data with a check mark (☑) received third-party verification by SGS Japan Inc. up to and including fiscal 2022. Since fiscal 2023, this data has received third-party assurance from KPMG AZSA Sustainability Co., Ltd.

Boundary of aggregation for each data type: Legend

* If the boundary of data aggregation differs from the boundary indicated in the legend, the number of subsidiaries covered is indicated in the notes.

Non-consolidated basis KHI

Including KRM and KMC KHI, KRM, KMC

Including domestic subsidiaries Domestic Group

Overseas subsidiaries only Overseas Group

Consolidated basis Consolidated


Environmental Management

Employees with Legal Qualifications KHI, KRM, KMC


Unit 2020 2021 2022 2023
Pollution control managers Air Persons 97 97 98 102
Water Persons 85 88 87 88
Noise, vibration Persons 37 35 36 34
Others Persons 78 79 81 81
Total Persons 297 299 302 305
Energy managers Persons 95 97 110 115

Environment-related Expenses KHI, KRM, KMC


Unit 2020 2021 2022 2023
Capital investments Millions of yen 9 47 1,661 839
Operating expenses Millions of yen 8,631 8,708 12,458 11,061

Environmental Compliance KHI, KRM, KMC


Unit 2020 2021 2022 2023
Violation of environmental laws and regulation Number of cases 0 0 0 0
Violation concerning water quality and quantity Number of cases 0 0 0 0
Incident and contamination that lead to environmental problems Number of cases 0 1 2 1
Complaints about environmental problems Number of cases 2 4 2 3
Amount of fine Millions of yen 0 0 0 0


CO2 Emissions (Scope 1, Scope 2) Consolidated


Unit 2020*1 2021*2 2022*3 2023*4
Scope 1 t 139,502 ☑ 134,855 ☑ 136,736 ☑ 134,912★
Scope 2 Market-based t 255,039 ☑ 267,171 ☑ 246,083 ☑ 281,401★
Location-based t 276,064 284,922 349,299 283,290
Total amount of Scope 1 and Scope 2 Market-based t 394,541 402,026 382,819 416,313
Location-based t 415,566 419,777 486,035 418,202

*1 Total for KHI, 26 domestic consolidated subsidiaries, and 24 overseas consolidated subsidiaries

*2 Total for KHI, 37 domestic consolidated subsidiaries, and 23 overseas consolidated subsidiaries

*3 Total for 28 sites of KHI, 30 related domestic sites, and 28 related overseas sites

*4 Total for KHI, 44 domestic consolidated subsidiaries, and 56 overseas consolidated subsidiaries

Energy Consumption Consolidated


Unit 2020*1 2021*2 2022*3 2023*4
Total non-renewable energy consumption MWh 1,455,895 1,341,737 1,317,527 1,363,002★
Total renewable energy consumption MWh 1,637 2,405 13,538 10,488

*1 Total for KHI, 26 domestic consolidated subsidiaries, and 24 overseas consolidated subsidiaries

*2 Total for KHI, 37 domestic consolidated subsidiaries, and 23 overseas consolidated subsidiaries

*3 Total for 28 sites of KHI, 30 related domestic sites, and 28 related overseas sites

*4 Total for KHI, 44 domestic consolidated subsidiaries, and 56 overseas consolidated subsidiaries

CO2 Emissions (Scope 3) KHI, KRM, KMC


Unit 2020 2021 2022 2023
1. Purchased goods and services t 1,464,830 ☑ 2,393,525 ☑ 2,791,420 ☑ 3,829,334★
2. Capital goods t 128,255 180,202 265,678 308,023
3. Fuel- and energy-related activities not included under Scope 1 or Scope 2 t 34,798 31,298 30,045 60,633
4. Upstream transportation and distribution t 8,536 7,824 7,072 940,722*5
5. Waste generated in operations t 10,760 7,577 8,540 10,149
6. Business travel t 5,152 6,661 10,605 13,817
7. Employee commuting t 6,885 6,782 6,914 7,089
8. Upstream leased assets t 0 0 0 0
9. Downstream transportation and distribution t 393 806 4,239 721
10. Processing of sold products t Excluded*1 Excluded*1 42,644 2,084
11. Use of sold products*3 *4 t 121,810,449 ☑ 21,870,760 ☑ 28,937,027 ☑ 32,650,318★
12. End-of-life treatment of sold products t Excluded*1 Excluded*1 1,924 2,558
13. Downstream leased assets t Excluded*2 Excluded*2 Excluded*2 Excluded*2
14. Franchises t Excluded*2 Excluded*2 Excluded*2 Excluded*2
15. Investments t 145,638 158,308 154,077 3,965
Total amount of Scope 3*3 t 123,615,696 24,663,743 32,260,185 37,829,413

*1 Excluded from calculation target because Kawasaki is unable to confirm reference data at this time.

*2 Excluded from calculation target because it is outside of the scope of our business.

*3 To more accurately determine emissions in Scope 3, Category 11, the calculation method was revised in fiscal 2021. Previously, calculations for products manufactured as parts incorporated into finished products such as hydraulic machinery were performed using the CO2 emissions for finished products such as construction machinery, but as of fiscal 2021, the calculations are performed by taking into consideration to the degree of contribution to finished products, the weight ratios, and other factors. Total Scope 3 emissions in fiscal 2020 as calculated according to the new method were 31,531 million tons.

*4 Regarding Category 11 in Scope 3, from fiscal 2022, the scope of calculation was expanded from a total of KHI, KRM, and KMC, to the Kawasaki Group. The increase in emissions due to the expanded scope of calculation is 6.15 million tons.

*5 Regarding Category 4 in Scope 3, since the calculation target was expanded from fiscal 2023 to include overseas transportation besides domestic transportation, emissions increased.

Waste FREE

Amount of Raw Materials Input KHI, KRM, KMC


Unit 2020 2021 2022 2023
Steel material kt 110 110 110 110
Plastic kt - - - 0.674

Waste (Total Generated) Consolidated


Unit 2020*1 2021*2 2022*3 2023
Overall t 62,648 58,844 58,492 70,726*4
Domestic Group t - - - 47,465★

*1 Total for KHI, 26 domestic consolidated subsidiaries, and 24 overseas consolidated subsidiaries

*2 Total for KHI, 37 domestic consolidated subsidiaries, and 23 overseas consolidated subsidiaries

*3 Total for 28 sites of KHI, 30 related domestic sites, and 28 related overseas sites

*4 Total for KHI, 44 domestic consolidated subsidiaries, and 56 overseas consolidated subsidiaries



Unit 2020 2021 2022*1 2023
Total generated t 44,578 42,772 41,442 40,165★
Waste recycled t 43,487 41,796 40,504 39,195★
Waste disposed (landfill disposal) t 166 67 47 39★
Waste reduction amount t 925 909 891 931★

*1 Results for fiscal 2022 were retroactively revised in conjunction with the acquisition of third-party verification of results for fiscal 2023.

Hazardous Waste KHI, KRM, KMC


Unit 2020*1 2021*1 2022*1 2023*1
Total generated t 1,524 1,369 1,405 1,402★
Waste recycled*2 t 1,523 1,368 1,404 1,402★
Waste disposed (landfill disposal) t 0 0 0 0★
Waste reduction amount t 1 1 1 0★

*1 The calculation method for the amount of hazardous waste emissions was changed in fiscal 2023 to make it more accurate. Previously, calculations were based on particularly hazardous waste that contained hazardous substances in excess of standard values, but starting in fiscal 2023, the scope was expanded to include hazardous waste specified in the regulations of each country in order to obtain more accurate calculations. In addition, the results for fiscal 2020 to fiscal 2022 were replaced with values that were recalculated using the calculation methods adopted for fiscal 2023 and later.

*2 Thermal recycling or material recycling

Water Resources KHI, KRM, KMC


Unit 2020 2021 2022 2023
Water withdrawal Million m3 5.633 5.629 5.510 5.496★
Breakdown of water withdrawal (clean water) Million m3 0.491 0.539 0.564 0.552★
Breakdown of water withdrawal (industrial water) Million m3 0.992 1.034 1.039 1.091★
Breakdown of water withdrawal (groundwater) Million m3 4.150 4.056 3.908 3.853★
Water discharged Million m3 4.445 3.282 3.304 4.183★
Breakdown of water discharged (sewerage) Million m3 - - 0.872 0.963
Breakdown of water discharged (rivers, lakes, ponds , etc.) Million m3 - - 2.433 3.220
Water consumed Million m3 1.188 2.347 2.206 1.313

*1 The calculation method for the amount of Water discharged was changed in fiscal 2021 to make it more accurate. In the past, since the working day of the plant fluctuates from year to year, we disclosed the calculated amount of Water discharged for 365 days, but since 2021, we have disclosed the measured amount. According to the new calculation method, water discharged in fiscal 2020 was 4.146 million m3.


Major VOCs Emissions (Toluene, Xylene, and Ethylbenzene) KHI, KRM, KMC


Unit 2020 2021 2022*1 2023
Major VOCs emissions t 634 642 576 629★

*1 The aggregation categories were changed in fiscal 2023 based on the Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (PRTR) System. In conjunction with this change, the results for fiscal 2022 were revised.

Air Pollutants Emissions KHI, KRM, KMC


Unit 2020 2021 2022 2023
Sulfur oxides (SOx) t 6.0 1.0 0.7 0.9
Nitrogen oxides (NOx) t 120.0 103.0 84.0 74.7

Environment Data

Environmental Data by Business Site (Fiscal2023) KHI, KRM, KMC

Unit Gifu Works Nagoya Works 1&2 Kobe Works Hyogo Works Nishi-Kobe Works
INPUT Total energy (heat conversion) TJ 910 136 242 86 371
Purchased electricity MWh 77,083 32,694 25,091 15,004 80,063
Fuel TJ 633 16 152 31 80
Renewable energy MWh 0 737 23 13 648
Water withdrawal 1,000m3 3,784 53 221 51 172
CO2 emissions from energy sources t 66,674 16,066 18,818 6,115 38,585
SOx t Under 1 Under 1 Under 1 0 0
NOx t 25 1 40 Under 1 1
Soot and dust t Under 1 Under 1 Under 1 Under 1 Under 1
Water discharged 1,000m3 2,902 13 165 39 117
COD t 3 Under 1 Under 1 Under 1 0
Nitrogen t 16 Under 1 Under 1 Under 1 0
Phosphorus t Under 1 Under 1 0 Under 1 0
Total generated t 3,372 438 5,079 3,263 5,000
Recycled t 3,372 438 5,077 3,263 4,998
Others (incinerated/landfilled) t Under 1 Under 1 2 0 2

Unit Seishin Works Akashi Works Kakogawa Works Harima Works Sakaide Works
INPUT Total energy (heat conversion) TJ 157 1,008 24 64 121
Purchased electricity MWh 24,640 98,673 1,632 9,840 27,888
Fuel TJ 61 652 18 27 21
Renewable energy MWh 1,782 287 0 451 0
Water withdrawal 1,000m3 107 747 3 48 305
CO2 emissions from energy sources t 13,618 76,962 1,583 4,290 13,854
SOx t 0 0 0 0 Under 1
NOx t Under 1 7 0 Under 1 Under 1
Soot and dust t 0 1 0 Under 1 Under 1
Water discharged 1,000m3 107 530 3 12 289
COD t 0 0 0 Under 1 Under 1
Nitrogen t 2 0 Under 1 Under 1 Under 1
Phosphorus t Under 1 0 Under 1 Under 1 Under 1
Total generated t 1,121 8,669 600 3,286 10,687
Recycled t 1,121 8,669 599 3,257 9,752
Others (incinerated/landfilled) t 0 Under 1 1 29 935

Environmental Data Calculation Criteria

Data indicator Unit Calculation criteria
CO2 Emissions (Scope 1, Scope 2) Scope 1 t We calculated using emissions factors in the List of Calculation Methods and Emission Coefficients (December 12, 2023) based on the Greenhouse Gas Emissions Accounting, Reporting, and Disclosure System of the Act on Promotion of Global Warming Countermeasures (if unique supplier emissions factors are unknown, alternative values are used).
For city gas, we calculated using the emissions factors in the Emissions Coefficients by Gas Company (For Calculating Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Specific Emitters) FY2023 Supply Results (June 28, 2024) (if unique supplier emissions factors are unknown, alternative values are used).
Scope2 t Market-based
Domestic electricity emissions factors are calculated using the Emissions Coefficients by Electric Power Company (For Calculating Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Specific Emitters) FY2023 Results (July 19, 2024) (if unique supplier emissions factors are unknown, alternative values are used).
For overseas, calculations are based on the emissions factors specified in Emission Factors 2023 issued by the International Energy Agency (IEA), and if unique supplier emissions factors are known, those values are used. For steam and cold water, we calculated using the emissions factors in the Emissions Factors by Heat Supply Company (For Calculating Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Specific Emitters) FY2022 Supply Results (July 12, 2024) (if unique supplier emissions factors are unknown, alternative values are used).
Domestic electricity emissions factors are calculated using the nationwide average factor in the Emissions Factors by Electric Power Company (For Calculating Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Specific Emitters) FY 2023 Results (July 19, 2024).
For overseas, calculations are based on the emissions factors specified in Emission Factors 2023 issued by the International Energy Agency (IEA), and if unique supplier emissions factors are known, those values are used.
For steam and cold water, we calculated using the emissions factors of alternative values in the Emissions Factors by Heat Supply Company (For Calculating Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Specific Emitters) FY 2022 Supply Results (July 12, 2024).
Energy Consumption Total non-renewable energy consumption MWh We calculated based on the unit calorific value in the List of Calculation Methods and Emission Coefficients (December 12, 2023) based on the Greenhouse Gas Emissions Accounting, Reporting, and Disclosure System of the Act on Promotion of Global Warming Countermeasures, with fuels specified in the Act on Rational Use of Energy and Shift to Non-fossil Energy covered. For city gas, calculated using the unit calorific values announced by each company.
The unit calorific value for electricity is calculated using 3.6 MJ/kWh.
Total renewable energy consumption MWh We calculated as total electric power derived from renewable energy.
Waste Waste (total generated) t We calculated as the total weight of industrial waste, hazardous waste, and valuable materials released from business sites.
Waste generated t We calculated as the total weight of industrial waste (excluding hazardous waste) and valuable materials. Volume generated.
Waste recycled t We calculated as the total weight of industrial waste (excluding hazardous waste) that has been thermally recycled or subject to material recycling through intermediate treatment and valuable materials.
Waste disposed (landfill disposal) t We calculated as the weight of industrial waste (excluding hazardous waste) that was directly and finally disposed of in landfills.
Waste reduction amount t The total weight of industrial waste (excluding hazardous waste) subject to reduction
Hazardous waste generated t The amount of hazardous waste specified in the regulations of each country generated
Water Resources Water withdrawal (total amount) Million m3 We calculated as the total amount of purchased clean water and industrial water and groundwater withdrawn at sites.
Breakdown of water withdrawal (clean water) Million m3 Amount of municipal water purchased
Breakdown of water withdrawal (industrial water) Million m3 Amount of industrial water purchased
Breakdown of water withdrawal (groundwater) Million m3 Amount of groundwater withdrawn
Water discharged (total amount) Million m3 We calculated as the total amount of water discharged into public water areas, sewer systems, and so on. For sites that do not measure to amount of water discharged, the amount of water withdrawal is considered to be amount of water discharged.
Breakdown of water discharged (sewerage) Million m3 Amount of water discharged into sewer systems
Breakdown of water discharged (rivers, lakes, ponds , etc.) Million m3 Amount of water discharged into rivers, lakes, and oceans
Water consumed Million m3 We calculated by subtracting the amount of water discharged from the amount of water withdrawal.
Major VOCs Major VOCs emissions t Among organic compounds (VOCs) that volatilize at room temperature, we calculated as the total amount of toluene, xylene, and ethylbenzene.

CO2 Emissions (Scope 3)

Data indicator Unit Calculation criteria
Category 1
Purchased goods and services
t-CO2 Σ {(Monetary amount of goods and services purchased or acquired × Emissions intensity)}
Values used for emission intensity (monetary amount) calculations are based on the values outlined in the Database on Emission Intensities for Calculating Organizational Greenhouse Gas Emissions, etc. through a Supply Chain Version 3.4 March 2024.
Category 2
Capital goods
t-CO2 Σ {(Value of capital goods) × (Emissions intensity)}
Values used for emission intensity calculations are based on the values outlined in the Database on Emission Intensities for Calculating Organizational Greenhouse Gas Emissions, etc. through a Supply Chain Version 3.4 March 2024.
Category 3
Fuel- and energy-related activities not included under Scope 1 or Scope 2
t-CO2 Σ {(Amount of purchased electricity) × (Emissions intensity)} + Σ {(Amount of heat purchased) × (Emissions intensity)} + Σ {(Amount of each fuel used) × (Emissions intensity)}
Values used for emission intensity are based on the values outlined in the Database on Emission Intensities for Calculating Organizational Greenhouse Gas Emissions, etc. through a Supply Chain Version 3.4 March 2024 and IDEA v2.3 (for calculating supply chain greenhouse gas emissions).
Category 4
Upstream transportation and distribution
t-CO2 Σ (Transportation distance ÷ Fuel × Emissions intensity)} + Σ {(Transportation ton-kilometers × Fuel consumption intensity based on the “Manual for Calculating and Reporting Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Ver. 5.0): ton-kilometer method” × Emissions intensity) + Σ (Transportation monetary amount × Emissions intensity)
Values used for emission intensity are based on the values outlined in the Database on Emission Intensities for Calculating Organizational Greenhouse Gas Emissions, etc. through a Supply Chain Version 3.4 March 2024 and IDEA v2.3 (for calculating supply chain greenhouse gas emissions).
Category 5
Waste generated in operations
t-CO2 Σ (Amount of waste by type × CO2 emissions intensity of waste by type)
Values used for emission intensity are based on the values outlined in the Database on Emission Intensities for Calculating Organizational Greenhouse Gas Emissions, etc. through a Supply Chain Version 3.4 March 2024 and IDEA v2.3 (for calculating supply chain greenhouse gas emissions).
Category 6
Business travel
t-CO2 (By means of travel)
Σ (Travel expenses provided × Emissions intensity)
Values used for emission intensity are based on the values outlined in the Database on Emission Intensities for Calculating Organizational Greenhouse Gas Emissions, etc. through a Supply Chain Version 3.4 March 2024.
Category 7
Employee commuting
t-CO2 (By means of travel)
Σ (Expenses paid for transportation × Emissions intensity)
Values used for emission intensity are based on the values outlined in the Database on Emission Intensities for Calculating Organizational Greenhouse Gas Emissions, etc. through a Supply Chain Version 3.4 March 2024.
Category 8
Upstream leased assets
t-CO2 Emissions from upstream leased assets are included (in Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions)
(Since the monetary amounts of the relevant upstream leased assets are small)
Category 9
Downstream transportation and distribution
t-CO2 Σ (Transportation distance ÷ Fuel × Emissions intensity)
Calculations are for transportation from domestic marketing bases to sales retail shops or directly to consumers for sale in BtoC business.
Category 10
Processing of sold products
t-CO2 Collection of downstream data is difficult, and it is believed that the impact on the total Scope 3 volume is minimal, and therefore, Kawasaki heavy industries group does not perform calculations of category 10.
(This is because in downstream segments, most processing comprises assembly or installation of parts.)
Category 11
Use of sold products
t-CO2 Σ (CO2 emissions in conjunction with the use of fuel at the time of use of products) + Σ (CO2 emissions in conjunction with the use of electricity at the time of use of products)
Values used for emission intensity are based on the values outlined in the Database on Emission Intensities for Calculating Organizational Greenhouse Gas Emissions, etc. through a Supply Chain Version 3.4 March 2024.
The total value obtained from multiplying the amount of activity (the amount of electric, steam, cold water and other utilities consumed during the use of final products sold annually) by the emissions intensity, year of service life, and operation rate
Subject products: ships, rolling stock, aircraft, electric power generation equipment, ship propulsion equipment, boilers, absorption chiller/heaters, motorcycles, construction equipment parts, robots, crushing machines, sifters, plant equipment
Category 12
End-of-life treatment of sold products
t-CO2 Σ {(Approximate weight of metal products) × (Emissions intensity)}
Values used for emission intensity are based on the values outlined in the Database on Emission Intensities for Calculating Organizational Greenhouse Gas Emissions, etc. through a Supply Chain Version 3.4 March 2024.
Category 13
Downstream leased assets
t-CO2 Exempted (there are no relevant downstream leased asset).
Category 14
t-CO2 Exempted (there are no relevant operations).
Category 15
t-CO2 Exempted (emissions from investments are extremely small).

Third-Party Assurance/Verification

  • The data with a star (★) have been externally assured by KPMG AZSA Sustainability Co., Ltd. in accordance with International Standard on Assurance Engagements (ISAE) 3000 issued by the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board. In addition, social indicators (Number of labor accidents, Number of occupational fatalities, and Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate; LTIFR) have been subject to third-party assurance since fiscal 2022.
    Independent Assurance Reportpdflink

Boundary of aggregation for each data type: Legend

* If the boundary of data aggregation differs from the boundary indicated in the legend, the number of subsidiaries covered is indicated in the notes.

Non-consolidated basis KHI

Including KRM and KMC KHI, KRM, KMC

Including domestic subsidiaries Domestic Group

Overseas subsidiaries only Overseas Group

Consolidated basis Consolidated


Employee Data

Number of Employees*1 Consolidated


Unit 2020 2021 2022 2023
Total employees Overall Persons 36,691 36,587 38,254 39,689
Male Persons - - - 32,648
Female Persons - - - 5,570
No aggregates collated*2 Persons - - - 1,471
Domestic group Persons 26,901 26,596 27,583 28,099
% 73.3 72.7 72.1 70.8
Male Persons - - - 24,884
Female Persons - - - 3,215
Overseas group Persons 9,790 9,991 10,671 11,590
% 26.7 27.3 27.9 29.2
Male Persons - - - 7,764
Female Persons - - - 2,355
No aggregates collated*2 Persons - - - 1,471
By region Japan Persons 26,901 26,596 27,583 28,099
% 73.3 72.7 72.1 70.8
Europe Persons 702 757 761 692
% 1.9 2.1 2.0 1.7
Americas Persons 4,015 4,194 4,886 5,774
% 10.9 11.5 12.8 14.5
Asia Persons 5,033 5,001 4,985 5,087
% 13.7 13.7 13.0 12.8
Australia Persons 40 39 39 37
% 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1

*1 Number of employees as of fiscal year-end.

*2 No aggregates are collated for 2 overseas consolidated subsidiaries.

Employee Breakdown*1 KHI, KRM, KMC


Unit 2020 2021 2022 2023
Status of employees Number of employees
Persons 17,396 17,162 17,413 17,968
Male Persons 15,876 15,688 15,883 16,362
% 91.3 91.4 91.2 91.1
Female Persons 1,520 1,474 1,530 1,606
% 8.7 8.6 8.8 8.9
Managerial staff
Persons 3,732 3,664 3,865 4,107
Male Persons 3,680 3,600 3,791 4,013
Female Persons 52 64 74 94
General employees
Persons 13,664 13,498 13,548 13,861
Male Persons 12,196 12,088 12,092 12,349
Female Persons 1,468 1,410 1,456 1,512
Average age
Years old 39.7 40.1 40.6 40.8
Male Years old 39.6 40.0 40.5 40.7
Female Years old 41.1 41.7 42.1 42.5

Unit 2020 2021 2022 2023
By age*2 29 and younger Persons 3,529 3,737 3,608 3,983
% 20.3 21.8 20.7 22.2
Male Persons 3,268 3,467 3,328 3,664
Female Persons 261 270 280 319
30 to 39 Persons 5,504 5,427 5,432 5,554
% 31.6 31.6 31.2 30.9
Male Persons 5,084 5,025 5,032 5,130
Female Persons 420 402 400 424
40 to 49 Persons 4,456 4,395 4,480 4,534
% 25.6 25.6 25.7 25.2
Male Persons 3,989 3,941 4,024 4,056
Female Persons 467 454 456 478
50 to 59 Persons 3,367 3,229 3,397 3,356
% 19.4 18.8 19.5 18.7
Male Persons 3,048 2,919 3,053 3,017
Female Persons 319 310 344 339
60 and above Persons 540 374 496 541
% 3.1 2.2 2.8 3.0
Male Persons 487 336 446 495
Female Persons 53 38 50 46

Unit 2020 2021 2022 2023
By position Director, Audit & Supervisory Board Member*3 Persons 13 13 17 20
Male Persons 11 11 15 17
% 84.6 84.6 88.2 85.0
Female Persons 2 2 2 3
% 15.4 15.4 11.8 15.0
Executive officer and above Persons 26 30 28 32
Male Persons 25 29 27 31
% 96.2 96.7 96.4 96.9
Female Persons 1 1 1 1
% 3.8 3.3 3.6 3.1
Senior manager equivalent *4 Persons 1,071 746 729 741
Male Persons 1,064 739 723 736
% 99.3 99.1 99.2 99.3
Female Persons 7 7 6 5
% 0.7 0.9 0.8 0.7
Manager equivalent Persons 2,527 2,918 3,136 3,362
Male Persons 2,482 2,861 3,068 3,274
% 98.2 98.0 97.8 97.4
Female Persons 45 57 68 88
% 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.6
Assistant manager equivalent Persons 2,203 2,403 2,450 2,572
Male Persons 2,068 2,254 2,296 2,402
% 93.9 93.8 93.7 93.4
Female Persons 135 149 154 170
% 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.6

*1 Number of employees as of the fiscal year-end (all temporary employees are included in general employees.)

*2 Percentage figures will not necessarily add up to 100% as they are rounded up to the first decimal point.

*3 On June 25 2020, Kawasaki transitioned from a company with an Audit & Supervisory Board to a company with an Audit & Supervisory Committee.The above numbers of Directors for fiscal 2019 and earlier include the number of Audit & Supervisory Board Members.

*4 Senior manager equivalent includes positions up to associate officer.

Gender Pay Gap*1 Domestic Group


Unit 2020 2021 2022 2023
All employees (basic pay plus bonuses, etc.)*2 % - - - 62.0

*1 Calculated in accordance with the provisions of the Act on the Promotion of Women’s Active Engagement in Professional Life (Act No. 64 of 2015).

*2 Part-time and fixed-term workers are included in employees.

Average Annual Remuneration KHI, KRM, KMC


Unit 2020 2021 2022 2023
All employees Yen 6,994,041 6,799,106 7,292,124 8,064,083
Male Yen 7,127,317 6,998,061 7,511,997 8,312,912
Female Yen 5,205,581 4,702,687 5,013,017 5,523,799
Average for managerial staff (basic pay only) Yen 7,675,049 7,866,297 7,925,950 8,107,578
Male Yen 7,682,983 7,882,082 7,943,055 8,123,345
Female Yen 7,024,195 6,942,346 7,033,475 7,397,411
Average for managerial staff (basic pay plus bonuses,etc) Yen 11,054,463 10,552,048 11,214,762 12,736,295
Male Yen 11,069,911 10,574,624 11,238,581 12,765,053
Female Yen 9,900,815 9,227,286 9,970,433 11,438,022
Average for general employees (basic pay only) Yen 4,414,310 4,544,144 4,601,578 4,798,094
Male Yen 4,474,728 4,666,906 4,731,098 4,931,428
Female Yen 3,764,849 3,506,879 3,534,556 3,715,459

Human Resource Management

Number of New Hires*1 Consolidated


Unit 2021 2022 2023 2024
Number of new hires Overall Persons - - 4,364*3 -
Male Persons - - 2,873 -
Female Persons - - 994 -
No aggregates collated*2 Persons - - 497 -
Domestic Group Persons - - 1,152*3 706*4
Male Persons - - 962 601
Female Persons - - 190 105
Overseas Group Persons - - 3,212 -
Male Persons - - 1,911 -
Female Persons - - 804 -
No aggregates collated*2 Persons - - 497 -

*1 Total number for new graduates hired and mid-career hires

*2 No aggregates are collated for 3 overseas consolidated subsidiaries.

*3 The scope of the data collection does not include new graduates hired for fiscal 2023 in the domestic Group excluding Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Kawasaki Railcar Manufacturing, and Kawasaki Motors.

*4 The scope of the data collection is new graduates hired in fiscal 2024 at the domestic Group.

Number of Employees Hired KHI, KRM, KMC


Unit 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
New graduates hired* Persons 555 357 370 405 506
Male Persons 498 323 333 376 449
Female Persons 57 34 37 29 57
Administrative and technical positions
Persons 344 231 246 278 342
Male Persons 296 200 214 254 291
Female Persons 48 31 32 24 51
Production specialists
Persons 211 126 124 127 164
Male Persons 202 123 119 122 158
Female Persons 9 3 5 5 6
Mid-career hires and ratio of mid-career hires to all new hires
Persons 167 95 362 698 -
% 23.1 21.0 49.5 63.3 -
Male Persons 136 72 284 589 -
Female Persons 31 23 78 109 -
Administrative and technical positions
Persons 90 89 324 536 -
Male Persons 81 68 251 441 -
Female Persons 9 21 73 95 -
Production specialists
Persons 59 6 38 162 -
Male Persons 54 4 33 148 -
Female Persons 5 2 5 14 -
Persons 18 - - - -
Male Persons 1 - - - -
Female Persons 17 - - - -
Average years of service
Years 13.7 14.2 14.5 14.6 -
Male Years 14.0 14.5 14.9 15.0 -
Female Years 10.3 10.8 10.9 10.9 -

* Number of new graduates hired as of April 1 of each fiscal year.

Total Number of Resignations and Turnover Rate Consolidated


Unit 2020 2021 2022 2023
Overall Persons - - - 3,483
% - - - 8.8
Male Persons - - - 2,182
Female Persons - - - 666
No aggregates collated* Persons - - - 635
Domestic Group Persons - - - 979
% - - - 3.5
Male Persons - - - 836
% - - - 3.4
Female Persons - - - 143
% - - - 4.4
KHI, KRM, KMC Persons - 481 445 401
% - 2.8 2.6 2.2
Male Persons - 421 393 346
% - 2.7 2.5 2.1
Female Persons - 60 52 55
% - 4.1 3.4 3.4
Overseas Group Persons - - - 2,504
% - - - 21.6
Male Persons - - - 1,346
Female Persons - - - 523
No aggregates collated* Persons - - - 635

* No aggregates are collated for 3 overseas consolidated subsidiaries.

Number of Employees Voluntarily Resigning and Turnover Rate*1 *2 Domestic Group


Unit 2020 2021 2022 2023
Domestic Group Persons - - - 576
% - - - 2.0
Male Persons - - - 484
% - - - 1.9
Female Persons - - - 92
% - - - 2.9
KHI, KRM, KMC Persons 205 313 321 294
% 1.2 1.8 1.8 1.6
Male Persons 179 275 282 253
% 1.1 1.8 1.8 1.5
Female Persons 26 38 39 41
% 1.7 2.6 2.5 2.6
29 and younger Persons 109 162 147 134
% 3.1 4.3 4.1 3.4
Male Persons 99 146 127 113
% 3.0 4.2 3.8 3.1
Female Persons 10 16 20 21
% 3.8 5.9 7.1 6.6
30 to 39 Persons 63 105 129 122
% 1.1 1.9 2.4 2.2
Male Persons 52 89 117 107
% 1.0 1.8 2.3 2.1
Female Persons 11 16 12 15
% 2.6 4.0 3.0 3.5
40 to 49 Persons 28 29 34 31
% 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.7
Male Persons 25 24 28 29
% 0.6 0.6 0.7 0.7
Female Persons 3 5 6 2
% 0.6 1.1 1.3 0.4
50 and above Persons 5 17 11 7
% 0.1 0.5 0.3 0.2
Male Persons 3 16 10 4
% 0.1 0.5 0.3 0.1
Female Persons 2 1 1 3
% 0.5 0.3 0.3 0.9

*1 Age of resigning employees is shown as of April 1 of each fiscal year.

*2 The turnover rate for employees who voluntarily resign does not include retirees and executive transfers.

Employee Engagement Survey Results*1 Domestic Group


Unit 2020 2021 2022 2023
Number of companies surveyed*2 Companies 1 6 8 19
Response rate % 80 85 89 88
Supportive environment*3 % 52 55 51 52
Employee engagement*4 % 59 51 53 54
Ratio of employees for whom both "supportive environment" and "employee engagement" are high*5 % 29 28 28 29
KHI, KRM, KMC % 29 28 29 30

*1 Results for fiscal 2020 and fiscal 2021 have been retroactively revised in accordance with modifications in the target data from fiscal 2023.

*2 Kawasaki and domestic consolidated subsidiaries

*3 Ratio of employees who responded positively to multiple questions in the employee engagement survey regarding whether the Company provides opportunities to perform interesting work and a supportive environment (a productive work environment)

*4 Ratio of employees who responded positively to multiple questions in the same survey on whether employees are willing to go the extra mile and are proud to work for the company (job satisfaction)

*5 Ratio of employees who gave answers which exceeded the global average for “supportive environment” and “employee engagement”


Number of Foreign National Employees KHI, KRM, KMC


Unit 2020*1 2021*1 2022*1 2023*2
Number of foreign national employees Persons 35 36 34 48
Number of foreign national employees in managerial positions Persons - - - 2

*1 As of April 1 of each fiscal year. Administrative and technical personnel only.

*2 Results for fiscal 2023 have been revised in accordance with the modification of the data aggregation to March 31 of the fiscal year and the target scope to all employees.

Number and Percentage of Employees with Disabilities*1 *2 KHI, KRM, KMC


Unit 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Employees with disabilities*2 Persons 473 473 459 484 518
Percentage of employees with disabilities % 2.50 2.49 2.44 2.52 2.60

*1 As of June 1 of each fiscal year. Respective results include those for special subsidiary Kawasaki Heartfelt Service Co., Ltd.

*2 People working short hours are calculated as 0.5 persons. One person with a severe disability is counted as two persons.

Number of Women in Managerial Positions Domestic Group


Unit 2020 2021 2022 2023
Number of women in managerial positions Persons - - - 170
Proportion of women in managerial positions % - - - 2.7

Number of Women in Managerial Positions by Position*1 *2 KHI, KRM, KMC


Unit 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Number of women in managerial positions Persons 57 66 79 101 122
Proportion of women in managerial positions % - - - 2.1 2.4
Proportion of women in managerial positions by position Executive officer and above*3 Persons - - - 1 1
% - - - 3.0 3.4
Senior manager equivalent Persons - - - 8 7
% - - - 0.8 0.7
Manager equivalent Persons - - - 92 114
% - - - 2.5 2.8
Proportion of women in managerial positions in revenue-generating functions Persons - - - - 63
% - - - - 1.5

*1 As of April 1 of each fiscal year.

*2 Section head or above. Figures include staff on external postings and staff on leave.

*3 Excluding Directors

Number of Women in Technical Positions KHI, KRM, KMC


Unit 2020 2021 2022 2023
Number of women in technical positions Persons - - - 252
Proportion of women in technical positions % - - - 5.3

Work-life Balance

Usage of Work-Life Balance Programs KHI, KRM, KMC


Unit 2020 2021*1 2022 2023
Employees using the childcare leave Persons 84 112 169 216
Male Persons 38 58 122 169
Female Persons 46 54 47 47
Rate at which male employees take childcare leave % 5.4 7.7 17.9 25.0
Employees using the care leave Persons 5 6 5 6
Male Persons 3 3 2 3
Female Persons 2 3 3 3
Return rate after childcare leave % 96 100 100 100
Retention rate after childcare leave % 95 100 95.3 -*2

*1 Results for fiscal 2021 have been revised in accordance with retroactive modifications in the scope of data collection.

*2 The retention rate after childcare leave represents the percentage of employees still working one year following their return from childcare leave. No statistics are available for fiscal 2023 because this one-year period has not yet elapsed.

Annual Paid Leave Usage KHI, KRM, KMC


Unit 2020 2021 2022 2023
Number of used paid leaves* Days /person 15.9 16.6 18.0 18.5
Paid leave usage rate % 72.3 75.4 81.8 84.1
Total annual work hours Hours /person 1,953 1,997 2,001 1,986
Total annual overtime hours Hours /person 206.4 261.4 272.0 263.9

* 22 days given per year.

Human Resource Development

Education and Training Expenses KHI, KRM, KMC


Unit 2020 2021 2022 2023
Education and training expenses per employee Yen/person 27,000 27,000 27,000 31,500
Education and training hours per employee Hours/person 32 32 32 33
Total education and training hours Hours - 547,000 553,000 580,300

Occupational Safety, Hygiene, and Health

Status of Labor Accidents and Work-related Illnesses Domestic Group


Unit 2020 2021 2022 2023
Number of labor accidents*2 Total Number of incidents 77 87 94 106★
Under Kawasaki’s overall supervision*5 Number of incidents 48 58 49 56★
Domestic consolidated subsidiaries*6 Number of incidents 29 29 45 50★
Number of occupational fatalities*3 Total Persons 0 1 0 0★
Under Kawasaki's overall supervision*5 Persons 0 1 0 0★
Employees Persons 0 1 0 0★
Contractors*7 Persons 0 0 0 0★
Domestic consolidated subsidiaries*6 Persons 0 0 0 0★
Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR)*4 Under Kawasaki’s overall supervision*5 - 0.34 0.31 0.30 0.23★
Employees - 0.21 0.12 0.21 0.14★
Contractors*7 - 0.74 0.93 0.61 0.53★
(Reference) Industry average*8 - 1.95 2.09 2.06 2.14
(Reference) Manufacturing industry average*8 - 1.21 1.31 1.25 1.29

*1 The data collection period is from January to December of each year.

*2 Number of fatalities and injuries due to labor accidents, excluding commuting accidents

*3 Number of fatalities due to labor accidents, excluding commuting accidents

*4 Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR) = Number of fatalities and injuries due to labor accidents (lost work time of at least one day, excluding commuting accidents) ÷ Total number of work hours × 1,000,000. The total number of work hours by contractors includes an estimate based on Number of workers × 8 hours (4 hours in the case of half-days) × Number of working days.

*5 The boundary of data collection is Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Kawasaki Railcar Manufacturing, and Kawasaki Motors.

*6 The boundary of data collection does not include Kawasaki Railcar Manufacturing and Kawasaki Motors.

*7 Contractors under overall supervision of Kawasaki (temporary staff, and contract staff in shipbuilding and construction)

*8 Data source: Survey on Industrial Accidents 2023, Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare

Status of Sanitation Management KHI, KRM, KMC


Unit 2020 2021 2022 2023
Sick leave rate (case basis)*1 - 4.8 4.6 14.6 11.2
Mental health-related sick leave frequency (case basis)*2 - 0.43 0.50 0.60 0.63
Mental health issues (Situational/Acute) Cases 84 99 120 129
Other psychological disorders Cases 7 7 5 7
Absence rate (day basis)*3 Leave due to mental health issues*4 - 4.6 5.0 6.4 5.9
Overall sick leave - 7.5 7.8 12.1 10.4

*1 Calculated as the total number of cases of sick leave per year / total number of workers employed per year × 1,000.

*2 In 2019, per an amendment to corporate regulations, the period that an employee may be absent before being placed on leave was shortened by three months, causing the figure for 2019 to appear larger.

*3 The absence rate is calculated based on days missed. Specifically, it is the number of employees absent per 1,000 employees per work day, calculated as the total number of days of leave taken / total man-days of work × 1,000.

*4 Included in total sick leave

Health Management KHI, KRM, KMC


Unit 2020 2021*2 2022*2 2023*2
Health score*1 - - 3.90 3.93 3.91
Percentage taking regular physical checkups % 99.8 98.4 99.0 98.6

*1 The health score refers to a score on a six-point scale that is based on the results of a medical examination of six lifestyle habits (diet, exercise, drinking, sleep, smoking, and appropriate weight) that affect labor productivity. The higher the score, the healthier the lifestyle.

*2 The health score in the health report issued in the relevant year is the actual value for that year (scoring starting from 2021).

Business and Human Rights

Labor Union Data KHI, KRM, KMC


Unit 2020 2021*1 2022 2023
Number of members Persons 13,459 12,880 13,184 13,421
Composition ratio*2 % 78.7 75.0 77.3 76.4
Number of labor discussions Number 44 38 28 29

*1 Results for fiscal 2021 have been revised in accordance with retroactive modifications in the scope of data collection.

*2 The number of members and composition ratio are current as of the end of the respective fiscal years. Composition ratio represents the ratio of union members versus all permanent employees, including managerial staff.

Number of Employees Who Underwent Training on Harassment Domestic Group


Unit 2020 2021 2022 2023
Participants Persons 17,494 - 20,385 -
Attendance rate* % 88.1 - 91.3 -

* Attendance rate of target participants

Number of Employees Who Underwent Training on Business and Human Rights Training Domestic Group


Unit 2020 2021 2022 2023
Participants Persons 191 13,245 - 10,336
Attendance rate* % - - - 84.7

* Attendance rate of target participants

Social Contribution Activities

Social Contribution Activities by Type*1 KHI


Unit 2020 2021 2022 2023
Donations and philanthropy % 37.69 31.96 29.70 34.60
Investments (ongoing partnerships with NGOs, etc.) % 43.72 50.34 54.09 50.45
Advertising and marketing (support funding, campaigns, etc.) % 18.59 17.70 16.21 14.95
Total*2 % 100 100 100 100

*1 Totals for Kawasaki and Kawasaki Good Times Foundation in the United States

*2 Because the above figures are rounded to the second decimal place, the percentage figures may not add up to exactly 100%.

Social Contribution Activities Expenditure*1 KHI


Unit 2020 2021 2022 2023
Total*2 Millions of yen 679 661 802 941
Breakdown by category Vitalization of industry and economy Millions of yen 199 217 332 373
Communities Millions of yen 184 204 191 207
Education Millions of yen 215 148 155 192
Culture and sports Millions of yen 57 55 87 99
Welfare and humanitarian aid (including disaster relief) Millions of yen 6 4 9 31
Others (including environmental safety and disaster prevention) Millions of yen 18 33 28 39
Expenditure type Provision of funds Millions of yen 160 111 278 263
Provision of goods Millions of yen 194 226 192 193
Employee volunteer activities Millions of yen 326 324 332 485
Indirect management costs Millions of yen 0 0 0 0

*1 Totals for Kawasaki and Kawasaki Good Times Foundation in the United States

*2 The above figures include expenses for donations, support funding, in-kind contributions, and requests for support from third-party organizations as well as the cost of labor of employees assigned to thirdparty organizations (the portion incurred by Kawasaki). They do not include internal cost of labor of employees or expenses associated with the use of facilities.

Working with Suppliers

Number of Companies Responding to Sustainable Procurement Survey KHI, KRM, KMC


Unit 2020 2021 2022 2023
Domestic Companies - 395 - 528
Overseas Companies 37 - - 5


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