CO2 FREE (Realization of a Carbon-neutral Society)

In October 2020, the Japanese government declared its target of achieving carbon neutrality by 2050, to this end raising its fiscal 2030 reduction target for CO2 emissions from 26% to 46% (both compared with the fiscal 2013 level) in April 2021. This is but one example of decisions made by countries around the globe amid the accelerating trend toward across-the-board decarbonization and the realization of a low-carbon society.
 Toward achieving the CO2-free target set out in the Kawasaki Global Environmental Vision 2050, the Kawasaki Group is not only actively engaged in realizing carbon neutrality at its plants (Scope 1 and 2) but also throughout its supply chain (Scope 3).

Efforts to Achieve Zero CO2 Emissions—Carbon Neutrality Targets (Medium- to Long-term Targets)

Toward achieving the CO2-free target set out in the Kawasaki Global Environmental Vision 2050, the following CO2 emission reduction targets have been set for the years 2030 and 2040.

Target year Scope no. Corresponding companies Target
2030 Scope 1 and 2 Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Kawasaki Railcar Manufacturing, Kawasaki Motors + Affiliated companies in Japan The Group aims to achieve carbon neutrality at its domestic business sites through the further advance of energy saving, the expanded use of renewable energies, and the expansion of waste-to-energy power generation, as well as independent initiatives focusing on hydrogen power generation.
 Of the approximate 400,000 tons of emissions recorded under Scope 1and 2 as of 2021 (consolidated basis), the target is to reduce the 300,000 tons of emissions, which include those of the domestic group, to a net zero by focusing on in-house hydrogen power generation domestically.
2040 Scope 3 Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Kawasaki Railcar Manufacturing, Kawasaki Motors Zero-Carbon Ready
Category (i): Reduce CO2 emissions by 80% (compared to fiscal 2021)
Category (xi): Develop a lineup of CO2-free standard solutions, and further facilitate global CO2 reductions through the carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) business, etc.
2050 Scope 1 to 3 Consolidated basis Achieve net zero CO2 emissions at the Kawasaki Group and throughout its supply chain

Scope 1 and 2

Corresponding companies: Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Kawasaki Railcar Manufacturing, Kawasaki Motors + Affiliated companies in Japan

Toward the Realization of Independent Carbon Neutrality by 2030 through Initiatives Focusing on Hydrogen Power Generation

To reduce Scope 1 and 2 CO2 emissions, the Kawasaki Group will first create zero-emissions plants in Japan, which accounts for three-quarters of the Group’s total annual emissions of 400,000 tons, by combining power generation from waste, renewable energy, and other sources with a focus on in-house hydrogen-fueled power generation facilities, as described below. We will then expand implementation to overseas subsidiaries and promote the introduction of hydrogen energy to existing power generation facilities previously delivered to customers and other facilities.
 The natural gas-fired gas turbine facilities previously delivered by the company that are in operation as of 2022 have a total capacity of about 1,000 MW. If we make proposals for the introduction of hydrogen energy and are able to transition these facilities to mixed hydrogen or exclusive hydrogen firing, it will be possible to shift to hydrogen energy without making substantial changes to existing facilities.
 Hydrogen power generation is currently advancing from the verification stage to the commercial application stage, and one urban area that can serve as a model, we have already achieved supply of heat and electric power generated exclusively from hydrogen using gas turbines manufactured by Kawasaki Heavy Industries.

Zero-Emission Plant

Scope 3

Corresponding companies: Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Kawasaki Railcar Manufacturing, Kawasaki Motors

Leading Society by Advancing Toward Zero-Carbon Ready

Scope 3 Net Zero can only be achieved when all parties in the value chain including trading partners and clients become Zero-Carbon Ready. The Company will implement the maximum possible measures concerning Scope 3 to become Zero-Carbon Ready by 2040. Specifically, for category (i), we will slash CO2 emissions by suppliers of materials and parts by 80%, and for category (xi), we will develop a lineup of CO2-free standard solutions in all businesses. Moreover, we will reduce CO2 emissions by more than the Company’s own Scope 3 emissions by working toward achieving a hydrogen-based society and engaging in the CCUS business, thereby contributing to the early achievement of carbon neutrality around the world.

Scope 3 Breakdown by Categories

* Regarding Category (xi) in Scope 3, from fiscal 2022, the scope of calculation was expanded from a total of KHI, KRM, and KMC, to the Kawasaki Group.

Scope 3 Category (i) Procurement of materials and parts

Support industrial initiatives with hydrogen and CCUS solutions to further accelerate reductions

It is anticipated that many industries and companies will tackle the reduction of CO2 emissions through various measures, including the utilization of renewables and efficient energy use.
 The Company will deepen its partnerships, including sharing emissions data with business partners, offering support for CO2 reductions and striving for early achievement of zero emissions. This will be achieved by means not limited to in-company utilization by the Group of solutions such as hydrogen power, hydrogen fuel, and other alternative fuels, as well as CCUS, but also by providing these solutions to business partners that supply materials and parts.

Scope 3 Category (i) (CO2 reductions scenarios)

Scope 3 Category (xi) Providing customer solutions

Provide CO2-free solutions to all customers

The Group will actively further three major initiatives. The first will be the provision of CO2-free fuels and electrical power to society, with a focus on its hydrogen business. The second will be to make a selection of choices for electrification and CO2-free fuels available to customers utilizing our various solutions including mobility and robots. The third will be to undertake initiatives to provide CCUS solutions to capture CO2 emitted into the atmosphere, and subsequently store underground or use this CO2.
 With these three pillars, the Group will make choices available to our customers of products and services (excluding defense and related; emergency products business) that contribute to the achievement of carbon neutrality by 2040, and promote global reductions in CO2.

* From fiscal 2021, the Group modified its calculation method to allow more accurate records of emissions levels for Scope3 category (xi).
 Previously, CO2 emissions levels for products such as hydraulic machinery, manufactured as parts to be incorporated in finished products, were calculated by tallying the CO2 emissions levels of the finished products such as construction machinery. However, from fiscal 2021, these calculations will also take into account the degree of contributions and weight ratios for final products.

Direction of Transitions by Business

Envisioned Scale of Business by Future Solution

* Following the Group Vision 2030・Business Report Meeting held on December 6, 2022, the net sales target was revised from 300 billion yen to 400 billion yen.

Decarbonization Solutions

A CO2-recycling Society

Information Disclosure in Line with the TCFD Recommendations (Scenario Analysis)

Climate change-related information based on TCFD recommendations is reported in the Kawasaki Report.
 Please refer to the link below for the details on our report in fiscal 2023.

Environmental Management Activities Plan 2022 (Short-term Target and Plan)

Aiming to achieve its carbon neutrality target (medium- to long-term target), in the short-term, while the Company will step up efforts to introduce in-house hydrogen power generation by 2030 to achieve carbon neutrality at its plants (Scope 1 and 2), it will continue its ongoing efforts to scale the introduction of renewable energy and to save energy. Furthermore, the Company will accelerate these efforts with the introduction of internal carbon pricing.
 To achieve carbon neutrality of its supply chain (Scope 3), the Company aims to realize Zero-Carbon Ready by 2040 by advancing its provision of CO2-free solutions to its business partners and customers. At the same time as Scope 3 reductions, the Company will also publish its CO2 emissions through product-based contributions (= calculation of avoided CO2 emissions through the selling of products and services that generate less CO2 emissions than previous products and services).

The Environmental Management Activities Plan 2023 (Key Strategies)

Key Strategies of the Environmental Plan 2023
(a) Reduction of CO2 emissions in entire supply chain
  • Consider the introduction CO2 visualization systems to reflect supplier efforts to reduce CO2 emissions by using supplier-specific CO2 emissions to calculate the CO2 emissions levels of procured goods
  • Promote fuel efficiency improvements and energy conversion from fossil fuels to reduce CO2 emissions from products sold
  • Set targets for overseas business sites in Scope 1 and Scope 2 to promote carbon neutrality
  • Promote the acquisition of SBT certification
  • Establish consolidated data on CO2 emissions (Scope 3)
(b) Expanded introduction of decarbonized energy
  • For hydrogen power generation, continue considerations on 100 MW-class power plants, on-site hydrogen generation, and Kawasaki CO2 Capture (KCC)
  • Consider expanding introduction scope for solar power generation
(c) Promotion of energy-saving activities
  • Promote the systematic implementation of energy-saving facilities investments
(d) Fuel conversion
  • Formulate a roadmap for fuel conversion in the production process

Scope 1 and 2 Efforts

Corresponding companies: Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Kawasaki Railcar Manufacturing, Kawasaki Motors

Utilizing Renewable Energy

The Kawasaki Group is advancing the use of renewable energy to reduce the CO2 emissions from its plants. To this end, we are installing solar power generating systems at our plants. We have a total solar power generation capacity of 10,139 kW including Group companies.

In fiscal 2022, these systems generated 12,258 MWh, of which 8,955 MWh was used in-house. Electric power used in-house is equivalent to 0.77% of the electricity consumed throughout the entire Group.

The Kawasaki Group’s Solar Power Generation Capacity

Name Power Usage Generation
Capacity (kW)
Iwaoka Photovoltaic Power Generation Station1*1 Sold via FIT*2 1,505
Nagoya Works 1 Used in-house 750
Seishin Works Used in-house via PPA 1,444
Seishin Photovoltaic Power Generation Station*1 Sold via FIT 701
Nishi-Kobe Works Used in-house 627
Nishi-Kobe Photovoltaic Power Generation Station*1 Sold via FIT 422
Akashi Works Used in-house 230
Sakaide Works Used in-house 50
Kakogawa Photovoltaic Power Generation Station*1 Sold via FIT 48
Kobe Head Office of Kawasaki Railcar Manufacturing Co., Ltd Used in-house 25
Kobe Works Used in-house 20
Kawasaki Thermal Engineering Co., Ltd. Used in-house 7
Harima Works Used in-house 5
Kawasaki Motors Enterprise (Thailand) Co., Ltd. Used in-house via PPA 5,000
Total 10,839
  • *1 Power generation facility operated by Kawasaki Trading Co., Ltd.
  • *2 FIT: Feed-in tariff; a program in which renewable energy is bought back at a fixed rate

Photovoltaic output (including power sold via FIT)

Nagoya Works 1: 750-kW power generation facility
Seishin Works: 728-kW power generation facility

Systematic Investment in Energy-Saving Equipment

As a measure to promote energy-saving activities, in 2022, the Company introduced an initiative to set reference values for the CO2 reduction efficiency of energy-saving investment projects as criteria for determining the investment in such projects and to increase the equipment budget allocation for projects in which the reduction efficiency meets the criteria. Through this initiative, the Company will continue to reduce its CO2 emissions by advancing its investments in equipment with a focus on projects with a high CO2 reduction efficiency. Such equipment investment projects include upgrading production equipment, switching air conditioning systems to those that run on electricity, and changing to LED lighting.

Internal Carbon Pricing

To promote investment in carbon neutrality efforts such as the introduction of future hydrogen equipment and renewable energy and to change behavior within the Company, in fiscal 2022, the Company introduced internal carbon pricing.
 The outline of the program is to charge a carbon surcharge for the emissions of Scope 1 and 2 of the previous fiscal year by Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Kawasaki Railcar Manufacturing, and Kawasaki Motors by calculating the surcharges of each company using a CO2 unit price. The aim is to make concentrated investments in carbon neutrality efforts based on the funds generated from internal surcharges of the internal carbon pricing program.
 The CO2 unit price is set at 2,000 yen/t-CO2.

Reducing CO2 Emissions through Product-Based Contributions

Corresponding companies: Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Kawasaki Railcar Manufacturing, Kawasaki Motors

Nearly 90% of CO2 emitted during the life cycles of our products is released during the period of their use after they are sold. Therefore, the Company seeks to realize a carbon-neutral society by providing products that produce only low CO2 emissions during their use. To reduce products’ post-sale CO2 emissions, in addition to increasing product energy efficiency, we are advancing electrification and modal shifts when replacing existing products in our product lineup and expanding our lineup of products that utilize exhaust heat, waste, and renewable energy. Key products that help reduce CO2 emissions are listed below. In fiscal 2017, we revised our rules for calculating CO2 emissions reductions through product-based contributions in order to better quantify the contributions of such products to the mitigation of global warming.
 Calculations based on these rules showed that the CO2 emissions reduction* through products we sold in fiscal 2022 was about 24.37 million tons. Large contributions were made mainly by the M7A Series gas turbines for power generation, which boast excellent reliability, economy, and environmental friendliness and are certified under the Kawasaki Ecological Frontiers system, an internal certification program for environmentally conscious products, and the KC-MB-20, a controller for use in construction machinery to improve its fuel efficiency via the application of superior controlling technologies.

* Reduction in CO2 emissions compared to earlier products (refer to the calculation rules below.)

Key Products That Contribute to Reducing CO2 Emissions During Use (by Segment)

*1 CK Mill: Named after the companies that jointly developed it, Chichibu Cement Co., Ltd. (now Taiheiyo Cement Corporation) and Kawasaki.

*2 Developed with a focus on three Es: energy saving, easy maintenance, and environmentally friendly.

*3 Ship Operation and Performance analysis support system

*4 Environmentally Friendly Advanced Commuter & Express train

Calculation Rules

  • Products to be assessed: Kawasaki Ecological Frontiers system, products that use waste, waste heat, and renewable energy, as well as cogeneration systems and rolling stock pertaining to modal shifts, etc., were selected for assessment
  • Period of assessment: Until fiscal 2016, we used a one-year period of assessment. However, in line with the revision of the calculation rules, since fiscal 2017, we have adopted a flow-based approach* in which the period of assessment is the estimated useful life of products sold in the fiscal year, because the estimated useful lives of our products are long. This allows us to better calculate the difference in CO2 emissions between our products and industry standard class products over the entire period of use.
  • The calculation method expressed as a calculation formula is as follows: CO2 emissions through product-based contributions = (annual CO2 emissions from conventional products - annual CO2 emissions from new products) x (assumed number of usage years)

* Please refer to the "Guideline for Quantifying Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Contribution" (Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, March 2018)

In order to quantify the contributions of highly energy efficient products to the mitigation of global warming, products included in the calculation of CO2 emissions reduction through product-based contributions include power generated through waste heat, waste, renewable energy, and so forth. As a result, some of the products included differ from those included in the calculation of Scope 3, category (xi), which covers only energy-derived CO2 emissions.
 CO2 emission reductions for the past five years are shown in the graph below. Particularly notable products that have had a large cumulative effect are shown below.

  • Notes: 1. Kawasaki uses CO2 emissions factors provided in the list of calculation methods and emissions factors published by Japan’s Ministry of the Environment.
  • 2. The CO2 emission reduction effect through product-based contributions achieved through the higher energy efficiency of products is based on a comparison using industry standard products.
  • 3. The application of waste heat, waste, and renewable energy is counted toward the CO2 emissions reduction effect through product-based contributions.
Particularly notable products that contribute to reducing CO2 emissions during use

For details on the Kawasaki Ecological Frontiers certification system for environmentally conscious products, please refer to environmentally conscious products.

External Affairs Activities Concerning Climate Change

Our Basic Stance and Structure

To contribute to realization of a society that limits the increase in the global average temperature to 1.5℃ compared to pre-industrial times, the objective of the Paris Agreement, the Kawasaki Group is using its technological knowledge and expertise relating to decarbonization, actively participating in trade association activities, and contributing to the formulation of policy recommendations concerning climate change mitigation and adaptation. The directors in charge of the relevant departments ensure that trade association activities and public policy engagements are in line with the Group’s strategies concerning responses to climate change and report as necessary to the Board of Directors, the highest decision-making body responsible for deliberating on and finalizing fundamental sustainability policies and basic plans for the entire Group.
 In cases where we identify substantial misalignments between the activities of organizations of which the Group is a member and the objectives of the Paris Agreement, we engage in constructive dialogue with those organizations based on the Group’s climate change strategy and business activities, and if those misalignments cannot be eliminated after the passage of a certain period of time, we consider appropriate responses including withdrawal.

Engagements in Public Policy and Regulations Concerning Climate Change

Hydrogen, a source of clean energy that does not emit any CO2 during use, has become a focus of attention as one solution for achieving a carbon neutral society by 2050. In response, the Kawasaki Group has positioned the achievement of carbon neutrality centered on hydrogen electricity generation as one pillar of our climate change strategy and is now working to carry out that strategy in collaboration with policymakers and trade associations.
 Group Vision 2030, our management strategy, positions new business including the hydrogen business as our primary growth scenario and seeks to achieve the 1.5°C target in line with the Paris Agreement. The hydrogen business in particular is positioned at the center of the Company’s business growth and transition plan, and we are actively cooperating with policymakers, industry organizations, and others to assess hydrogen GHG emissions and formulate international supply chain rules with the aim of achieving the objectives of Group Vision 2030 and carbon neutrality at an early stage.

Participation in the Development of the Methodology to Assess GHG Emissions of Hydrogen at IPHE

In order to promote low-carbon hydrogen utilization in society toward the realization of a carbon-neutral society, it is necessary to evaluate the hydrogen to show that it is low-carbon, and it is ideal that the evaluation criteria are standardized internationally. The methodology for determining greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of hydrogen is discussed in IPHE (International Partnership for Hydrogen and Fuel Cells in the Economy), an international inter-governmental partnership whose objective is to facilitate and accelerate the transition to clean and efficient energy and mobility systems using fuel cells and hydrogen technologies. Our company has participated in this discussion as an expert supporting the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Japanese government, and has made a significant contribution, including providing technical advice, particularly about liquefied hydrogen supply chain.

Active Contribution to Climate Change Organization

As a member of HySTRA (CO2-free Hydrogen Energy Supply-chain Technology Research Association), the Company participates in efforts to build a CO2-free hydrogen supply chain consisting of hydrogen production, transport/storage, and usage using lignite effectively, and works to establish and verify the relevant technologies to be commercialized by around 2030.
 The Company's role at HySTRA is to engage in building liquefied hydrogen carriers and constructing liquefied hydrogen unloading equipment and bulk storage facilities by utilizing the ultra-low temperature technologies it has developed such as for LNG carriers, LNG storage tanks, and liquefied hydrogen tanks for rocket fuel.


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